“Impossible Christmas Quiz”: One day to go!
People say that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth. But most scholars believe that the story that Jesus was born on December 25 is pretty much impossible.
In the true spirit of the season, then, I will unleash tomorrow the “Impossible Christmas Quiz”.
The questions are going to be, quite frankly, ridiculous. The quiz itself is going to be quite long and no doubt extremely frustrating. I sincerely doubt any of you will score over fifty per cent.
But the good news is that the prizes, on the other hand, are very much attainable. Three annual memberships to the Internet Chess Club are up for grabs. And as opposed to a normal exam where you have to score at least fifty per cent to pass, here you just have beat the other suckers who are similarly suffering at the hands of my Grinchiness.
To show I’m not completely heartless, though, I will be awarding points, completely at my discretion, for creative incorrect answers. And there’ll be a bonus question in which you have to creat your very own Haiku. Oh what joy! Can’t you hear those herald angels singing?
Chess couples, James Bond, cricket, chess, kangaroos, bowling balls, chess, US Presidential elections, chess, Natalie Portman, chess.
That’s what you’ve got to look forward to. And more.
Hasta mañana, comrades.